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    RBM Pension Fund
    The leading provider of retirement and death benefits in Malawi
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    RBM Pension Fund
    The leading provider of retirement and death benefits in Malawi
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    RBM Pension Fund
    The leading provider of retirement and death benefits in Malawi

About UsRBM

The RBM Pension Fund was established in 1968 as an In-house Non-Contributory (Defined Benefit) Fund for Reserve Bank of Malawi with the objective of providing benefits to members of staff upon retirement and to beneficiaries upon death of a member.

In 1997, it was converted from Defined Benefit (DB) to a Defined Contributory (DC) arrangement. However, in 2010, a decision was made to adopt a Hybrid Pension system where

monthly pension at retirement should be calculated based on both DC and DB and a member would receive a benefit based on whichever calculation provides better benefits. The Fund has eight (8) trustees.

The Reserve Bank of Malawi Pension Fund is a Self-Administered Restricted Fund. The Fund has eight (8) trustees with Four (4) representing the Employer and the other Four representing the members. All officers managing the Fund are seconded from the Reserve Bank of Malawi.


To be a leading provider of retirement and death benefits in Malawi.


To promote increased confidence among members by:
- Paying the correct benefits to the right beneficiaries at the right time.
- Ensuring prudent and effective management of investments to meet current and future obligations.
- Communicating clearly what our business is, why and how we do it.

Core Values

- Accountability Our actions stand public scrutiny and we are accountable for the decisions and actions that we take.
- Integrity We are true to ourselves and credible in the eyes of our stakeholders.
-Team Work We seek for collaboration among all members.

Management Team

Mrs Agnes Sentala

Director, RBM Pension Fund

Mr Robert Chirambo

Manager, Administration And Benefits

Mr Stanley Mtuwa

Manager, Projects And Facilities

Mr. George Ndindi

Manager, Accounting And Investments

Member? Access the member portal


Contact Us

For anything concerning the RBM Pensions Fund